Phase 1 Development: 1 – 3 years
Phase 2 Construction: 2 – 3 years
Phase 3 Operations: Minimum 25+ years
The construction timeframe depends on the project size and the number of workers deployed on site. For a 600 MW project like the Kentbruck Wind Farm would take around 24-36 months.
A wind farm will typically operate for between 25 and 30 years.
Wind turbines are designed to convert wind into mechanical energy by rotating the turbine blades. The mechanical energy is converted into electricity via a generator in the nacelle, which is sent directly to the grid. The electricity generated by the turbine is proportional to the wind speed cubed.
As an example, a wind turbine in 8m/s wind will produce about 8 times as much electricity as a wind turbine in 4m/s wind. This means the correct placement of turbines in high and consistently windy areas is important for achieving the lowest cost power generation for consumers.
Neoen selects state-of-the-art wind turbines from world leading manufacturers. Current technology features a horizontal axis rotor with 3 blades coupled to a generator in the nacelle, mounted atop a tubular steel tower. The turbine model is carefully selected according to the site conditions in order to provide the lowest cost of electricity over the lifetime of the project. The turbines are designed for high reliability and their service regime ensures they achieve maximum performance with minimum downtime throughout their design lifetime of 25+ years.
Generally speaking wind turbines have a tip height of between 200 and 280 metres with approximately 500 metres between each turbine. However, this varies from project to project. Larger turbines generate more energy, are spaced further apart and have lower rotational speeds than smaller turbines.
When wind turbines are placed in a forest, turbines need to be taller to allow space between the tops of the trees and the bottom of the turbine blades. Neoen may also be required to construct taller turbines than normal at Kentbruck to protect birds flying above the pine forest. This will be determined by detailed ecological surveys.
There are a couple of options:
- Lifetime extension – it is possible that we could try to continue the life of the project.
- Repowering – using next generation technology
- Decommission – At the end of the wind farm’s life cycle (typically 25-30 years) the wind farm is decommissioned and we remove the wind turbines and all above ground structures and rehabilitate the site. This is a condition of the wind farm’s development approval from the State government and our agreement with the landowners. During decommissioning most of the materials the wind farm is made from can be reclaimed or recycled.
The project
Victoria has set targets to cut the state’s greenhouse gas emissions and achieve net zero emissions by 2045. Interim targets that provide a clear path to net-zero emissions are:
- 28-33% by 2025
- 45-50% by 2030
- 75-80% by 2035
A key action that the Victorian Government is taking to cut emissions is increasing the 2030 Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) to 65% and setting a target of 95% renewable electricity generation by 2035.
Our job is to develop and build the best projects possible to help the government achieve this target, and that work for the communities. It’s the government’s job to review and approve our development applications.
Now is the time to tell us what will make it a really good project from your perspective.
- Good wind profile
- Minimal impact to native vegetation given it is in an exotic pine plantation
- Close proximity to a transmission line with lots of electricity transporting capacity.
- Topography suitable for construction
- Relatively few houses nearby
The project is in planning stages, so the capacity and number of turbines will be determined in the coming months. However, the current layout features 105 turbines.
Development approval by the Victorian Planning Minister will be required. Environmental studies will inform the environmental approvals process. We are targeting the submission of the DA in early 2024 and we will hold another community session when the projects plans go on public exhibition.
Neoen believes in sharing the benefits of our projects with the communities we operate in. The project will have a Community Benefits Program in place that will seek to bring a range of benefits to surrounding communities. We’re keen to hear from the local community how we can share some of the benefits of this project with you plus there will be opportunities to apply for funds from Neoen’s Community Benefit Fund in the future.
We have been engaging with the community surrounding the wind farm since 2019. We have a shop front in Portland and we have a Community Advisory Committee which meets regularly.
Any feedback received through this website or on our email or phoneline will be fed through to our consultants to inform the environmental studies and surveys. There will be a formal opportunity for comments on the DA submission via the government planning process. Your local knowledge will be greatly beneficial to us and this project.
Neoen has conducted a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) to identify key impacts associated with the Project in relation to landscape and visual amenity to provide information to help inform the project design. Kentbruck Green Power Hub will be designed to minimise and mitigate impacts on landscape character, scenic amenity and landscape values to the greatest extent possible through careful siting of turbines. The approach to the LVIA has been developed with reference to accepted guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment from Australia and elsewhere.
Neoen encourages individuals and groups that have questions about visual impact and remedies to engage with us.
A 2012 study by SKM on the economic benefits of wind farms in Australia found that, for every 50 MW in capacity, a wind farm delivered the following benefits:
- Direct employment of up to 48 construction workers, with each worker spending approximately $25,000 in the local area in shops, restaurants, hotels and other services (a total of up to $1.2 million)
- Indirect employment during the construction phase of approximately 160 people locally, 504 state jobs and 795 nationwide jobs
Victoria’s existing coal plants are progressively closing due to old age. Wind and solar are the cheapest form of new energy production according to research by CSIRO.
The system needs a mix of wind, solar and storage.
Neoen pays for any electrical transmission upgrades necessary to connect and operate the project in the electricity grid. This includes construction and maintenance costs for the life of the project.
Neoen does not require government subsidies to finance its projects. We finance our projects through a combination of our own equity and long-term bank loans. However, we sometimes enter into agreements with governments or businesses to sell the power produced by our projects.
All Neoen projects meet strict State and Federal Government regulations and are assessed under these regulations. We work closely with governments to ensure we meet all legal requirements and exceed these requirements wherever possible.
During the construction phase of the project up to 350 jobs will be created. During the operation phase of the project up to 14 ongoing jobs will be created.
Neoen focuses first on hiring local people for our projects. Locals know the land and have the skills and enthusiasm to support us during construction. Our core team become regulars at local cafes and pubs, and we love to work with local suppliers who provide their products and services to help us over the life of the project.
Hiring would begin before construction. Pre-construction we will hold a local employment and networking session. You can register your interest by submitting a form on this project website.
Neoen has a strong balance sheet with over $1bn in cash and strong earnings, and listed on the European stock exchange. There is residual value in the infrastructure which will offset the cost of any decommissioning. The wind farm can be resold and operated by a third party.
Health & Culture
There are nearly 200,000 wind turbines installed worldwide — many of them in more densely populated areas close to houses.
Some 17 reviews of research literature conducted by leading health and research organisations from all over the world, including the World Health Organisation, Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Centre, the UK Health Protection Agency and the US National Research Council, have concluded there is no published evidence to positively link wind turbines with adverse health effects.
Before it can operate, a wind farm has to demonstrate that noise levels at neighbouring residences will meet strict noise limits. These limits are designed to ensure that noise from a wind farm is not intrusive for the average person.
Victorian legislation has strict limits around noise, and the project will be developed in strict compliance with these regulations.
Monitoring of dust levels during construction is a basic requirement of each project. Visual observation of machinery is undertaken during site inspections in addition to daily pre-start checks which ensure all machinery has appropriate emission control devices, is in good working order and is maintained correctly. Water carts are used to prevent dust when construction traffic is using unsealed roads, improving air quality by replacing fossil fuel generators.
The project will generate emissions-free energy throughout the operational life.
Neoen complies with all legislation, including laws regarding the protection of cultural heritage. A cultural heritage assessment forms part of initial studies as does consultation with local Indigenous groups to ensure cultural heritage is protected. We have good experience working with traditional owners. We have been engaging for several years with Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation.
Low flying aircraft are required to fly by sight. Wind turbines are large and clearly visible. All wind turbines and met masts will be registered with the relevant aviation authority according to aviation requirements.
Neoen is carrying out a detailed assessment of the access road’s suitability and upgrade requirements including a survey of the road to accurately map out the existing road and where any upgrades or road widening may be required. Any access road to be used will need to be suitably upgraded to handle construction traffic, and Neoen will comply with obligations set out in planning conditions relating to road upgrades and maintenance. This will be done in consultation with neighbouring landowner and regional councils.
To address this matter, an Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Study will be commissioned, and actions will be taken according to the results to avoid mobile phone and internet disruptions. Wind turbines are required to comply with limits for EMI to minimise impacts. In addition, Neoen will comply with all obligations set out by the State in their Decision Notice, relating to pre and post construction assessments of television and radio reception strength to identify if the Project has had a negative impact, and to implement measures to address this.
Neoen engages specialist consultants to undertake detailed flora and fauna surveys to determine the ecological attributes of the land.
On all of our projects, we aim to minimise the impact on flora and fauna by designing projects to be constructed outside areas of high conservation significance and adopting control measures during the construction process. During the detailed design, wind turbines will be micro-sited to minimise the potential impact on fauna habitat with turbine heights selected to minimize the overlap between rotor swept area and bird flight heights.
Other mitigation measures include preparing management plans, identifying ‘no-go zones’ within the project site and conducting pre-clearance surveys. Neoen also consults with government departments of environment and biodiversity throughout the development, construction and operational stages of projects, as well as local non-government organisations.
Stock including sheep and cattle take a couple of days to get used to wind turbines, and then are very comfortable with them – they rub up against turbines and use the shade from the towers during summer.
While wind farms are sometimes accused of threatening birds, an energy governance study completed in Singapore has shown that wind farms harm 17 times fewer birds per unit of electricity produced than fossil fuel generation.
Studies show that wind farms are probably responsible for impacting birds at rates that are:
- 400 times fewer than cars
- 500 times fewer than pesticides
- 1200 times fewer than high-tension wires
In accordance with the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) requirements, Neoen will do pre and post construction weed survey for the disturbance footprint plus a buffer of 5m. Any identified weeds in the disturbance footprint will be removed or treated prior to any ground disturbance works commence. There will also be a detailed weed management plan in place for study area.
Moreover, in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) Neoen will implement a vegetation management plan taking weeds in account. The management of weeds within the disturbed footprint, including rehabilitation areas will continue for up to two years post construction or until weed presence cannot be detected.
Where appropriate, vehicle washdown stations and inspections are carried out in accordance with site specific biodiversity regulations.
If there is a fire emergency in the region, the wind turbines will be stopped. A wind farm provides advantages to fire fighting and prevention – additional access tracks through the landscape, better communications, lightening conductors. Aircraft will need to avoid the turbines when fighting fires.
Bushfire risk management will be conducted. As part of this will be engaging with the RFS. During construction there will be some firefighting equipment on site.