Environmental Effects Statement
Neoen, along with a range of Government agencies worked together between 2020 and 2024 to fully investigate the environmental impacts of the project. This was undertaken through an Environment Effects Statement (EES), a process that is administered by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP). Neoen prepared the EES in consultation with a group of Government agencies referred to as the Technical Reference Group (TRG).
The specific environmental matters to be investigated and documented in the Project’s EES are set out in the Scoping Requirements, which were issued in February 2020 following public consultation. These include a range of topics including biodiversity, cultural heritage, noise, visual impact, traffic management and more.
The Environmental Effects Statement (EES), together with a draft Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA), are now complete, and will be placed on public exhibition for 30 business days in late January 2025.
During the Public Exhibition period, members of the public will be able to read the EES documents and draft PSA and make written submissions. More information on how to make a submission will be available once the exhibition period commences. The EES, draft PSA and written submissions will be reviewed by an independent EES inquiry and advisory Committee (IAC) appointed by the Minister for Planning to consider the environmental effects of the project. Submissions on the draft PSA can also be made through the EES submission process.
The EES is the accredited assessment process for the Kentbruck Green Power Hub project under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Submissions can also be made on EPBC Act matters. The public submission process is independently managed by Planning Panels Victoria. Submissions must be made using the Engage Victoria submissions page that will be advertised when exhibition is open. Following public exhibition, the IAC will hold a Directions Hearing and formal public Hearings to hear from the proponent and submitters.
The EES and draft PSA documents will be available for public review in late January 2025. They will be available on the Kentbruck Green Power Hub.
For more information about the EES process you can visit the Victorian Government’s website.
If you would like to contact DTP and ask questions about the project or process, they can be reached at:
Impact Assessment Unit,
Department of Transport and Planning
or email:
or contact the Impact Assessment Unit on (03) 8392 5503.
If you have any questions or would like to arrange a meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 1800 966 206 or