KGPH referred to Victorian minister for planning
Neoen has referred the Kentbruck Green Power Hub to the Victorian Minister for Planning to ask the Minister as to whether an Environment Effects Statement (EES) is required for the project. The EES referral document along with preliminary technical investigations can be viewed on the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s website from 26th July 2019. The referral documents can be found here: https://www.planning.vic.gov.au/environment-assessment/referrals-and-decisions.
The Minister will normally make a decision on the EES referral within 20 business days of accepting a referral (20 business days from 26th July).
If the Minister determines that an EES is required for the Kentbruck Green Power Hub, the Minister will prepare draft scoping requirements that outline the matters to be investigated and documented in the EES. The draft scoping requirements will be released for public comment for at least 15 business days before the final scoping requirements are published. If an EES is determined to be required for the project, Neoen anticipates that draft scoping requirements will be available for public comment later this year.
This EES Referral is not a planning permit application. Neoen will still need to prepare and submit a planning permit application for Kentbruck Green Power Hub regardless of the outcome of the EES Referral.
If you would like to receive updates regarding the project, please do not hesitate to fill out a contact form letting us know, and we will make sure to email you with information as it becomes available.